
A moderator and up to four presenters, including practitioners or policymakers. Speakers get 5 minutes to state their perspective on a single current or proposed policy or strategy related to organized crime at the local, national, or international levels. Comments from the online audience for the presenters.

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Meet our Speakers

We've gathered some of the top experts in the field to discuss this topic. With years of experience between them, they're well-equipped to offer invaluable insights and perspectives.

Felipe Botero

Felipe Botero

Coordinator for Colombia, GI-TOC

Michele Mosca

Michele Mosca

Department of Political Science University of Naples 'Federico II'

Tuesday Reitano

Tuesday Reitano

Deputy Director, The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime

John Scanlon

John Scanlon

Chair, Global Initiative to End Wildlife Crime

Professor Anna Sergi

Professor Anna Sergi

University of Essex

Brooke Stearns Lawson PhD

Brooke Stearns Lawson PhD

Senior Conflict, Governance and Crime Advisor, USAID

Olivia Swaak-Goldman

Olivia Swaak-Goldman

Executive Director, Wildlife Justice Commission

Professor Tanya Wyatt

Professor Tanya Wyatt

Northumbria University

Magdalena Alcocer-Vega

Magdalena Alcocer-Vega

Universidad Anáhuac México, Universidad Anáhuac México

Marcos Alvar

Marcos Alvar

Kristina Amerhauser

Kristina Amerhauser


Sara Amerio

Sara Amerio

Eleanor Beevor

Eleanor Beevor

Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime

Jonathan Bhalla

Jonathan Bhalla

Governance Adviser, UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office

Lucia Bird

Lucia Bird

Director, Observatory of Illicit Economies in West Africa, The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime

Sheelagh Brady

Sheelagh Brady

Phil Brewer

Phil Brewer

Specialist Advisor on Human Trafficking, Human Trafficking Foundation

Brig. Gen Juan Carlos Buitrago Arias

Brig. Gen Juan Carlos Buitrago Arias

Brigadier General (R-PNC), Policía Nacional de Colombia

Jorge Caillaux

Jorge Caillaux

Peruvian Society for Environmetal Law -SPDA

Héctor Carrillo

Héctor Carrillo

Manelich Castilla Craviotto

Manelich Castilla Craviotto

Elba Chacon

Elba Chacon

Thierry Charles

Thierry Charles

CFO, Solidarites Nouvelles pour le Logement

Virginia Comolli

Virginia Comolli

Senior Expert, Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime

Francesca Costi

Francesca Costi

UK Home Office and UCL

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Hiding dirty money in plain sight – A case study on following the money

01 December 2021, 01:00 PM
David Tyree Niels van der Meulen Aubrey A 'Gus' Jones Tuesday Reitano

Development response to organized crime: Perspectives from the UK and the US

01 December 2021, 04:00 PM
Phyllis Dininio Jonathan Bhalla Simon Mills Brooke Stearns Lawson Sasha Jesperson

How useful is it to confiscate mafia assets in Europe in 2021: The example of France

01 December 2021, 05:30 PM
Michele Mosca Thierry Charles Arnaud de Laguiche Virginia Comolli Fabrice Rizzoli

Partnerships for peace: Standing up against violence one destroyed weapon at a time

01 December 2021, 08:30 PM
Elba Chacon Laura-Lee Gillion Montserrat Deu Pons Héctor Carrillo

Criminalisation of victims of human trafficking – An overview of domestic and international legal frameworks post UK Modern Slavery Act 2015

01 December 2021, 08:30 PM
Phil Brewer Lucia Bird Philippa Southwell

Above and below the waterline: Combating illegal take and trade of marine and terrestrial species through a new global agreement on wildlife crime

01 December 2021, 10:00 PM
Jorge Caillaux John Scanlon Lishu Li Tanya Wyatt Daniel Kachelriess Alice Pasqualato

Critical review of Mexico’s security policy

02 December 2021, 02:30 AM
Oswaldo Zavala Zara Snapp Dawn Marie Paley Luis Daniel Santiago Vidargas

Human trafficking in Europe

02 December 2021, 07:00 AM
Ruggero Scaturro Giada Volpato Sara Mariella Lambertini Silvia Rodriguez-Lopez

Developing a network disruption strategy

02 December 2021, 11:30 AM
Colette Quinn Jane Mulcahy Sean Redmond Catherine Naughton

Drug markets in Ireland and Scotland: Problems and possible solutions?

02 December 2021, 01:00 PM
DAVE LIDDELL Tony Duffin Sheelagh Brady Fiona Gilbertson Jack Nolan

Resilience as a prevention mechanism: Colombia

13 October 2022, 02:30 PM
Felipe Botero Joshua Mitrotti Alejandro Cruz Ces Marianne Juan Carlos Nieto Julie Peña

The intersection between illicit economies and instability in West Africa

13 October 2022, 05:30 PM
Kingsley Madueke Mouhamadou Kane Freedom Onuoha Eleanor Beevor Lyes Tagziria

Cooperation against illicit trade in Latin America. The case of AMERIPOL

13 October 2022, 05:30 PM
Manelich Castilla Craviotto Juan Carlos Buitrago Arias Magdalena Alcocer-Vega Marcos Alvar Claudette Vernot

Child sexual exploitation and abuse in South East Asia

14 October 2022, 07:00 AM
Peabprom Mekhiyanont Virginia Comolli Malina Enlund Kristina Amerhauser Prem Mahadevan

Convergence - The organised and serious nature of wildlife crimes & how to combat them

14 October 2022, 01:00 PM
Daniel Kachelriess Juliana Ferreira John Scanlon Annette Hübschle Olivia Swaak-Goldman

Invisible women in drug economies and gender sensitive drug policies

18 October 2023, 05:30 PM
Jennifer Fleetwood Nara Denilse de Araujo Cecilia Farfán-Méndez Sarah David Adela Llatja

The Mediterranean: Borders, Migration, Security & Crime

18 October 2023, 07:00 PM
Anna Sergi Francesca Costi Fabio Papetti Sara Amerio Dr Giulia Fabini