Ruggero Scaturro

Senior Analyst, GI-TOC

About this speaker

Ruggero Scaturro is a senior analyst at the GI-TOC and a PhD candidate on criminal justice and security in Slovenia. He conducts research on Western Europe and the Western Balkans, and in 2023 he published a book on Albanian-speaking criminal networks in Italy. His main areas of interest and expertise are drug trafficking and consumption habits in Europe, as well as the history of Italian mafias and their transnational ties across Europe and beyond.

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Human trafficking in Europe

02 December 2021, 07:00 AM
Silvia Rodriguez-Lopez Giada Volpato Sara Mariella Lambertini Ruggero Scaturro


13 October 2022, 05:30 PM
Ruggero Scaturro Kristina Amerhauser Fatjona Mejdini Anna Sergi

Hooliganism in the WB6

14 October 2022, 07:00 AM
Sasa Djordjevic Ivan Djordjevic Jelena Zoric Dario Brentin Ruggero Scaturro Ivana Jeremic

Falcone/Borsellino, 30 years

14 October 2022, 10:00 AM
Ruggero Scaturro Gus Jones Felia Allum Giulia Baruzzo

What's hiding in the shadows? Insights from comparative research on illicit drug trafficking

14 October 2022, 01:00 PM
Gulzat Botoeva Ruggero Scaturro Erica Marat

How to build an Anti-Mafia association outside Italy: methods, difficulties, successes

18 October 2023, 08:30 PM
Ludovica Boelting Ruggero Scaturro Sandro Mattioli Helena Raspe Giulia Norberti

Balkan illicit economies and the war on Ukraine

19 October 2023, 11:30 AM
Sasa Djordjevic Vanja Petrovic Ruggero Scaturro Tihomir Bezlov

Exploring the Links Between Violent Extremism and Organized Crime in the Western Balkans

31 October 2024, 10:00 AM
Almedina Dodic Sasa Djordjevic Vanja Petrovic Ruggero Scaturro

Drugs in Argentina, Colombia and India: Political Drivers and Drug-Related Harm

31 October 2024, 01:00 PM
Fernando Zarabozo Juliana Gómez-Quintero Arulraj Rajappa Ruggero Scaturro