Fabio Papetti Anna Sergi Sara Amerio Dr Giulia Fabini Francesca Costi

The Mediterranean: Borders, Migration, Security & Crime

A Talk by Professor Anna Sergi , Sara Amerio , Dr Giulia Fabini , Fabio Papetti and Francesca Costi

About this Talk

In this roundtable Professor Anna Sergi will encourage the conversation among four speakers on various aspects of the security-crime dilemmas that manifest in, around and through the Mediterranean Sea. With Senior Policy Advisor for the UK Home Office and PhD Candidate at University College London, Francesca Costi, the conversation will be about human trafficking technology, gender and policy. With antimafia public prosecutor in Reggio Calabria Sara Amerio the roundtable will hear about the challenges of countering human trafficking from a judiciary perspective in the South of Italy, and the challenges of understanding phenomena of trafficking and smuggling and acting accordingly within the remit of national and international law. Dr Giulia Fabini, Researcher at the University of Bologna, will reflect on the arrival and detention of migrants once they reach Italian shores, focusing on their reception and criminalisation out of the Mediterranean Sea. Finally, Fabio Papetti, investigative journalist with IrpiMedia, will reflect on the challenges of investigating migratory flows and crime in the region, with a specific focus on Lybia.

18 October 2023, 07:00 PM

07:00 PM - 08:15 PM

About The Speakers

Anna Sergi

Professor Anna Sergi

University of Essex

Professor at the University of Essex in the UK where she lectures on criminology, organised crime and crimes of globalisation.

Sara Amerio

Sara Amerio

Public Prosecutor Direzione Distrettuale Antimafia

Dr Giulia Fabini

Dr Giulia Fabini

University of Bologna

Fabio Papetti

Fabio Papetti


Francesca Costi

Francesca Costi

UK Home Office and UCL