Livia Wagner

Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime Network Coordinator and Senior Expert

About this speaker

Livia Wagner works as the Coordinator for the Network of Experts and Senior Expert at the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime. As Network Coordinator, she serves as the focal point for a variety of network activities of and engagement with more than 500 network members who are involved in analyzing or countering transnational organized crime.

Livia’s work covers mainly the issue of human trafficking for labour and sexual exploitation, specializing on responsible supply chain management. She has done extensive research on natural resource trafficking, such as illegal gold mining/illegal logging and related organized crime forms with a special focus on Latin America. She also coordinates the Responsible & Ethical Business Coalition against Trafficking (RESPECT) Initiative, and coordinating GI-TOC’s Research Lead for the Tech Against Trafficking Initiative.

Before joining the GI-TOC, she worked several years as international consultant and before that as Private Sector focal point for the United Nations Global Initiative Against Trafficking in Persons (UN.GIFT) and the Non-Governmental Organisation ECPAT on child trafficking for sexual exploitation. She also worked as development official for the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the UN Development Programme (UNDP) in Mauritius.

She holds a Master’s Degree in Development Sociology and International Relations from the University of Linz/Austria and is based in Vienna/Austria.

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Expert networks addressing TOC

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