Middle East

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Meet our Speakers

We've gathered some of the top experts in the field to discuss this topic. With years of experience between them, they're well-equipped to offer invaluable insights and perspectives.

Dina Siegel

Dina Siegel

Utrecht University, Utrecht University / CIROC

Felia Allum

Felia Allum

Polis, University of Bath

Sara Dudley

Sara Dudley

Mahmoud Jaraba

Mahmoud Jaraba

Research institute, The Erlangen Centre for Islam and Law in Europe (EZIRE)

Alexandre Kukhianidze

Alexandre Kukhianidze

Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Department of Political Science

Dr Matthew Levitt

Dr Matthew Levitt

Dir, CT program, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

Aurora Ortega

Aurora Ortega

Olena Shostko

Olena Shostko

Ukrainian Center of Legal Studies (private institution)

Christian Vianna de Azevedo

Christian Vianna de Azevedo


Criminal clans, families and structures

02 December 2021, 01:00 PM
Mahmoud Jaraba Alexandre Kukhianidze Olena Shostko Felia Allum Dina Siegel

Transnational organized criminal activities of Lebanese Hezbollah

14 October 2022, 02:30 AM
Matthew Levitt Aurora Ortega Christian Vianna de Azevedo Sara Dudley