Mahmoud Jaraba

Research institute, The Erlangen Centre for Islam and Law in Europe (EZIRE) Dr. Mahmoud Jaraba has been researching ethnographically the milieu of Arab-Kurdish extended families (so-called Mḥallamīya) for several years, focusing on the topic of “clan crime” in Germany.

About this speaker

Mahmoud Jaraba is a Research Fellow at the Erlangen Centre for Islam and Law in Europe (EZIRE) and is associated with the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Germany. He has studied Arabic “clans” in Germany, with particular focus on the idea of “paralleljustiz” (parallel justice) and “clan crimes” (Clan-Kriminalität). In his ethnographic fieldwork, he aims to investigate how extended families and the various cultural and religious norms and institutions contribute to “clan crimes”.

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Criminal clans, families and structures

02 December 2021, 01:00 PM
Mahmoud Jaraba Olena Shostko Dina Siegel Alexandre Kukhianidze Felia Allum

The Role of the Family in Organized Crime: Unraveling Complex Connections, Dynamics, and Implications

18 October 2023, 02:30 PM
Felia Allum Rossella Merlino Mahmoud Jaraba Dina Siegel Luciano Brancaccio

Organized Crime and Ethnography

30 October 2024, 05:30 PM
Dina Siegel David Suber Chiara Feliciani Alessandro Moretti Mahmoud Jaraba

Understanding the Dynamics of Clan Crime: Networks, Continuities, and Influences

30 October 2024, 07:00 PM
Toine Spapens Hans Moors Mahmoud Jaraba Dina Siegel