Organized crime in Brazil
A Talk by André Duffles Teixeira Aranega , Gabriel Funari , Andrea Varsori , Giselle Florentino , Alice Alves Casanova and Camila Dias
About this Talk
In this session, Gabriel Funari will deliver a presentation on militia governance and criminal state-making in Belém, Brazil, which examines the conditions in which militia groups establish criminal governance and how they infiltrate various illicit markets. André Duffles Teixeira Aranega will then discuss the topic of firearms trafficking in Brazil and how transdisciplinary dialogue in academia can build an integrated assessment about the state, transnational organized crime, and geopolitics. After this intervention, Dr Andrea Varsori will give a presentation on the emergence of mafia-like groups (milícias) in Rio de Janeiro, which explores their territorial growth and expansion into spheres of governance. Giselle Florentino will then discuss the structural and institutional determinants of urban violence in Rio de Janeiro at a time of intensified neoliberal policies by the state. The session will conclude with a presentation by Alice Alves Casanova on the topic of security network performance, which explores the intersections of social capital, trust, and organizational culture in interagency cooperation in Brazil.