Rossella Merlino Mahmoud Jaraba Felia Allum Dina Siegel Luciano Brancaccio

The Role of the Family in Organized Crime: Unraveling Complex Connections, Dynamics, and Implications

A Talk by Dina Siegel , Felia Allum , Mahmoud Jaraba , Luciano Brancaccio and Rossella Merlino

About this Talk

Our goals are to research and examine the various facets of the family's role in organized crime. This panel hopes to improve our understanding of the intricate interactions between families and organized crime by establishing a thorough interdisciplinary discourse. Furthermore, it provides an excellent venue for scholars, practitioners, and policymakers to exchange knowledge, explore novel approaches to prevention and intervention, and identify ways for disrupting and dismantling family-based criminal networks.

18 October 2023, 02:30 PM

02:30 PM - 03:45 PM

About The Speakers

Dina Siegel

Dina Siegel

Utrecht University, Utrecht University / CIROC

Professor of Criminology at Utrecht University, The Netherlands and co-founder of CIROC.

Felia Allum

Felia Allum

Polis, University of Bath

Professor of comparative organised crime and corruption, University of Bath, UK

Mahmoud Jaraba

Mahmoud Jaraba

Research institute, The Erlangen Centre for Islam and Law in Europe (EZIRE)

Dr. Mahmoud Jaraba has been researching ethnographically the milieu of Arab-Kurdish extended families (so-called Mḥallamīya) for several years, focusing on the topic of “clan crime” in Germany.

Luciano Brancaccio

Luciano Brancaccio

Rossella Merlino

Rossella Merlino

University of Messina

University of Messina