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About this Talk

This Roundtable Discussion will examine the interplay between politics and economics in the frontier peripheries and urban heartlands of Pakistan. The Roundtable Discussion will last for 75 minutes. Each speaker will be asked an opening question by the moderator. Once all the opening questions have been answered, the speakers will be invited to pose questions to each other as well as take questions from audience members. 

19 October 2023

10:30 AM - 11:45 AM GMT

About The Speakers

Prem Mahadevan

Dr. Prem Mahadevan

Specialised in research on organised crime, intelligence and irregular warfare. At the GI-TOC, he has researched on cybersecurity threats, environmental crime, as well as linkages between political militancy and violent criminality.

Taha Siddiqui

Taha Siddiqui

The Dissident Club

An award winning investigative Pakistani journalist in exile living in France

Ayesha Siddiqa Agha

Ayesha Siddiqa Agha

King’s College London

Francesca Marino

Francesca Marino

Journalist/Independent Expert

Niels Verster

Niels Verster

European Foundation for South Asian Studies

Junaid Qureshi

Junaid Qureshi

Director European Foundation for South Asian Studies