Understanding the new geographies of organized crime
A Talk by Ella Cockbain , Emilia Ziosi , Alex Bish and Lauren Pearson
About this Talk
The geographies of organised crime are a core area that is relatively underdeveloped, and yet very promising for advancing analysis and responses around organised crime. There are also many pockets of exciting and innovative work, but a lack of coherence in bringing them together to advance a broader research agenda. In this roundtable, we showcase and discuss cutting-edge research into the geographies of organised crime with the aim of advancing the thinking around the different spatial dimensions to organised crime, The roundtable will also discuss the importance of developing an inclusive approach to conceptualising geography, considering physical and virtual space, and the linkages between them, and different scales of spatial analysis (micro, meso, macro and multi-scalar). The unifying thread will be a central focus on the notion of the spatial embeddedness of organised crime (what, how, when, why and who?)