Environmental organized crime
A Talk by André Duffles Teixeira Aranega , Juneseo Hwang , Andrey Anisimov , Radha Barooah and Alastair Nelson
About this Talk
This panel will discuss the main issues with illegal natural resources export and illegal tourism as well as the criminal activities, in relation to “China's mafia invasion” of the East Siberia region which was historically linked to the Silk Road. They will then talk about criminal law versus environmental direct action in democratic societies with the aim to redefine the socially acceptable boundaries of environmental direct actions through a lens of green criminology and ecological democracy. They will also explore the uniqueness of transnational environmental crimes since transnational criminal organizations accrue substantial profits through the pillaging of the Earth's flora and fauna, threatening its ecosystems and endangering the survival of various states and (non-)human communities. Finally, they discuss the convergence of wildlife crime with other illicit flows in 10 Eastern and Southern African countries.