Beatriz Costa Delia Magherescu Anesa Agovic Sabrina Medeiros Ana Paula Rodriguez Luzia Costa Becker

Human trafficking in Southern and Southeast Europe

A Talk by Anesa Agovic , Sabrina Medeiros , Delia Magherescu , Beatriz Costa , Luzia Costa Becker and Ana Paula Rodriguez

About this Talk

This panel will talk about the human trafficking in Southeast Europe during the concurrent crises including COVID-19 pandemic, the war crisis and the illegal immigration crisis. Subsequently, they explore the impact of COVID-19 on the identification of trafficked victims during the pandemic in the United Kingdom. The effect during the pandemic was that they had less opportunity to either self-identify themselves as victims or be identified by frontline agencies. Finally, they will discuss the human trafficking situation in Portugal and the Atlantic by shedding light on its various aspects, challenges, and potential ways to combat it. 

19 October 2023, 04:00 AM

04:00 AM - 05:15 AM

About The Speakers

Anesa Agovic

Anesa Agovic

Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime

A researcher with a journalist background with long-standing experience in civil society, with expertise in topics of security, interested in illicit financial flows.

Sabrina Medeiros

Sabrina Medeiros

Delia Magherescu

Delia Magherescu

Gorj Bar Association

Criminology, Criminal justice, Forensic investigtion of serious crime

Beatriz Costa

Beatriz Costa

Interagency Institute

Luzia Costa Becker

Luzia Costa Becker

Interagency Institute

PhD in Political Science at IUPERJ (IESP). Postdoctoral fellow at HU Berlin, Germany and at UFF Niteroi, Brazil. Experience in political science with an emphasis on public policy. Her main themes are globalisation, migration and integration, territorial development, socio-environmental conflicts.

Ana Paula Rodriguez

Ana Paula Rodriguez

Interagency Institute