Dr James Windle

Lecturer in Criminology, University College Cork

About this speaker

Dr. James Windle is Lecturer in Criminology and Director of the BA Criminology Degree at University College Cork. Prior to joining UCC, James was Senior Lecturer of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of East London. He has worked with, or acted as a consultant to, a variety of local and national government departments, non-governmental organisations and law enforcement agencies.

His primary research focus has been on illicit drug markets, illicit enterprise, street gangs, organized crime and the history of prohibition. He is author or co-author of Suppressing Illicit Opium Production: Successful Intervention in Asia and the Middle East (IB Taurus, 2016), Criminology, Crime and Justice in Ireland: An Introduction (Routledge, 2022) and The Desistance Journey: Into Recovery and Out of Chaos (Palgrave, 2022). and co-editor of Historical Perspectives on Organized Crime and Terrorism (Routledge, 2018) and Giving Voice to Diversity in Criminological Research (Policy, 2022). He has published extensively in prominent peer-reviewed social science journals and non-refereed outlets, including Newsweek and RTÉ Brainstorm. His most recent organised crime article is 'who researches organised crime? A review of organised crime authorship trends (2004–2019)'. 

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Ireland: Organised crime, illicit enterprise and/or violent extremism

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