Chamila Liyanage
Network Member, SHOC Network, Royal United Services Institute A researcher who works on the nexus of transnational organised crime and authoritarianism.
About this speaker
Dr Chamila Liyanage is a specialist in terrorism and political violence. She is a research contributor to the Global Network on Extremism and Technology (GNET), hosted by the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation (ICSR) at King’s College, London. She is also a member of the Strategic Hub for Organised Crime Research (SHOC) Network at the Royal United Services Institute in London, a fellow of the Far-Right Analysis Network (FRAN), and a public member of the World Economic Forum (WEF). Her current research focuses on understanding the evolution of transnational organised crime in the context of the global rise of authoritarianism. She has researched narco-terrorism, the use of the Internet and blockchain technologies by criminal syndicates, and the evolution of crime-terror convergence