Francesco Giumelli Willem Geelhoed Heleen over de Linden

Enforcing sanctions regulations in Europe

A Talk by Willem Geelhoed , Heleen over de Linden and Francesco Giumelli

About this Talk

This panel explores the enforcement of EU Restrictive Measures by the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) and discusses whether the the EPPO’s competence could be extended to include terrorism, euro counterfeiting and money laundering. They also discuss the new European Proposal on asset recovery and confiscation released in May 2022 particularly regarding criminal proceeds and organised crime. Finally, the panel looks into the fundamental rights protection against freezing of funds, especially those belonging to the high-level politicians and heads of state. 

13 October 2022, 01:00 PM

01:00 PM - 02:15 PM

About The Speakers

Willem Geelhoed

Willem Geelhoed

University of Groningen

Associate Professor of criminal law and criminal procedure, interested in the Europeanisation of crime and criminal law

Heleen over de Linden

Heleen over de Linden

Rechta, Rechta Advocatuur

Currently finalizing PhD thesis on the sanctions against Russia, Eastern Ukraine and Crimea. On a regular base on Dutch television and radio. Regularly quoted in Dutch national and local media. For more information:

Francesco Giumelli

Francesco Giumelli

Deputy Head of Department, Associate Professor in International Relations and International Organization