Chasing the Mafia - 'Ndrangheta, memories and journey
A Talk by Professor Anna Sergi , Sara Amerio , Federico Varese and Cecilia Anesi
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"The ‘ndrangheta - the mafia from the Calabrian region of Italy - is said to be one of wealthiest and most powerful criminal organisations today. It is considered Italy’s most powerful mafia; it’s not only the main object of concern for anti-mafia units in Italy, but also joint investigative teams in Europe and beyond. Combining autobiography, travel ethnography, memoir, academic rigour and investigative journalism, 'Chasing the Mafia' provides a unique outlook to the ‘ndrangheta, taking the reader to small villages and locations in Italy and abroad to Australia, Canada, United States and even Argentina. The book has many different tones, and therefore it is meant to appeal to different audiences.
In this roundtable the author, Anna Sergi, will share some reflections on the making of this book and introduce some of the themes of the book. The other panel participants will start from such themes and present their peculiar expertise and analysis on the matter.
Sara Amerio will offer the perspective of an anti-mafia prosecutor in understanding and studying the ’ndrangheta in Calabria but with international projections. Cecilia Anesi will offer the perspective of an investigative journalist often ‘chasing’ the mafia herself across Europe and beyond. Federico Varese will offer the perspective of an academic expert on the matter of mafia mobility and qualitative research methodology in approaching mafia studies. "