Taking the measure of crime: The 2021 Global Organized Crime Index
A Talk by Laura Adal , Kosyo Ivanov , Lyes Tagziria and Antônio Sampaio
About this Talk
The first-ever Global Organized Crime Index provides the most comprehensive assessment to date of the pervasiveness of criminal markets, the dynamics of criminal actors and of countries’ effectiveness in establishing the defence mechanisms and responses needed to ensure operational resilience to organized crime. A result of a multi-year endeavour involving over 350 experts worldwide, including the GI-TOC’s regional observatories, members of the GI Network of Experts and many other independent journalists, academics, researchers and members of civil society, the 2021 Index evaluates levels of crime and resilience in all 193 UN member states. A presentation of the tool’s structure and methodology, along with highlights of key findings will be given, followed by a short Q&A session.