Alexis Gerbeaux Amandine Sourd Zoé Gallos Helena Farrand Carrapico

Statistical analysis of organized crime in France

A Talk by Alexis Gerbeaux , Amandine Sourd , Zoé Gallos and Helena Farrand Carrapico

About this Talk

In this session, Amandine Sourd will discuss the limitations surrounding the production of statistical data on victims and perpetrators of human trafficking through administrative and civil society sources, which underpins the need for diversifying data to find further insights into criminal phenomena. Following this intervention, Alexis Gerbeaux will present the outcomes of a study that explored the evolution of the number and profile of drug use and trafficking offenders. This session will conclude with a presentation by Zoé Gallos who will discuss the rising notoriety of ransomware attacks and trends within the phenomena that continue to shape police procedural responses in France.

02 December 2021, 10:00 AM

10:00 AM - 11:15 AM

About The Speakers

Alexis Gerbeaux

Alexis Gerbeaux

Amandine Sourd

Amandine Sourd

French Ministerial Statistical Department for Internal Security, SSMSI/Ministry of Interior

Zoé Gallos

Zoé Gallos

French Home Office

Data scientist working specifically on cyber crime and financial crime

Helena Farrand Carrapico

Helena Farrand Carrapico

Northumbria University