Sarah Schreier Delia Magherescu Benedikt Iberl Frauke Wittevrongel Sarah Fares

Organized crime in Europe

A Talk by Sarah Schreier , Benedikt Iberl , Frauke Wittevrongel , Delia Magherescu and Sarah Fares

About this Talk

This panel will discuss the latest empirical insights on organized crime in Germany, as as part of the research alliance “OC 3.0”. They will then look at the opportunities for criminal entrepreneurs as the downside of free enterprise in Belgium which has been encouraged by numerous simplifications of the rules applicable to Belgian enterprises. Then, they will talk about the risk for occasional criminality in Southeast Europe to become organized in a more dynamic criminal environment. 

19 October 2023, 05:30 AM

05:30 AM - 06:45 AM

About The Speakers

Sarah Schreier

Sarah Schreier

Institute of Criminology, University of Tuebingen, Germany

M.A. International Criminology; research associate in the German collaborative research project "Organized Crime 3.0"

Benedikt Iberl

Benedikt Iberl

Institute of Criminology, University of Tuebingen, Germany

Research Associate on the project "Organized Crime 3.0", the biggest research project to date on organized crime in Germany.

Frauke Wittevrongel

Frauke Wittevrongel

Ghent University

Organized crime, financial and economic crime, crime-business nexus, indicators and red flags

Delia Magherescu

Delia Magherescu

Gorj Bar Association

Criminology, Criminal justice, Forensic investigtion of serious crime

Sarah Fares

Sarah Fares

Global Initative against Transnational Organized Crime