Zineb Benalla
About this speaker
Zineb Benalla in an international expert in CT, P/CVE, DDR and Peace Building who spent years working in VE hotspots in the Maghreb, Sahel, and the Middle East. Zineb Benalla has a long experience working with International organizations, civil society, communities, religious leaders, traditional leaders, and policy makers across countries and continents. She was nominated for the international Women of Courage Award in 2015 for her work in preventing and countering violent extremism and building peace in the Sahel and Maghreb region. She won The International Studies Association Peace Section and Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies Global South Peace Award in 2020 for her research on gender equality and Preventing and countering violent extremism in the Maghreb and Sahel. Zineb Benalla is the CEO and Founder of Eirene Peace Building, co founder of a civil society organization working on countering transnational violence and a Co founder of a peace-building network. Zineb Benalla was a visiting professor at the intersession unit at Alkhawayan University where she thought Rethinking Counter terrorism in Africa: Lessons in Prevention for four years.