Paloma Mendoza-Cortes

MB Consulting

About this speaker

Professor, researcher and consultant on national security, defense, intelligence and private military issues. Degree in Political Science and Public Administration UNAM, Master in Government and Public Affairs UNAM, PhD in Government and Public Affairs UAM. She is a graduate of the William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies, CHDS National Defense University, NDU; Washington, D.C as well as ITESM, CIDE and INACIPE. She has been a professor at the Heroic HCM Military College, the School of Intelligence of the Center for Army and Air Force Studies, CEEFA, the CNS National Security Commission, among others. Paloma Mendoza has been a guest lecturer at the Center for Naval Higher Studies, CESNAV and the Association of Graduates of the National Defense College. Paloma Mendoza has published several scientific articles in international index publications and is part of a new generation of women security analysts, specializing in national security issues, Mexican Armed Forces, intelligence, hybridization of war conflicts and private military companies. 



Cyberspace as the new battlefield

01 December 2021, 05:30 PM
Mariana Díaz García Gustavo Mauricio Bastien-Olvera Paloma Mendoza-Cortes Juan Manuel Aguilar-Antonio Alba Gabriela Garay Romero