Marija Atanaskova
RUSI Europe Expert on organized crime and EU monitoring and evaluation, working on EU security and development
About this speaker
Marija is an expert on organized crime and EU monitoring and evaluation, working on EU security and development since 2010. Her involvement and contributions to different components of the Cocaine Route Programme date back to 2012 when she worked on the AMERIPOL-EU project and 2014-2021 when she worked on the Cocaine Route Monitoring and Support (CORMS) project.
She is currently the Team Leader of the Monitoring and Support project of the Global Illicit Flows Programme of the EU (MASIF) implemented by RUSI Europe. Marija offers a valuable combination of expertise and technical knowledge on organised crime and project monitoring and evaluation. With field experience in Latin America, Africa and the Caribbean, Marija has a consolidated working relationship with stakeholders in the law enforcement and criminal justice sector. Her research interests also include security in the Balkans and EU enlargement. Marija obtained a Master's degree in International and EU studies with specialisation in EU Law from the University of Valencia.