Janaina Maldonado

German Institute for Global and Area Studies/Universität Hamburg

About this speaker

Janaina Maldonado is a PhD student at Hamburg University and currently works at German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) integrating the LFF Graduation Program “Democratizing security in turbulent times”, coordinated by Hamburg University. It is also part of the research “Global cars: a transnational urban research on vehicle informal economies (Europe, Africa and South America - ANR France/ Fapesp)”, coordinated by Prof . Gabriel Feltran (UFSCar). She has a Master in Sociology at the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) with an internship at the Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), a Bachelor in Social Sciences at UFSCar and is interested in security, violence, urban conflicts, democracy and difference.

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Cars, gold, and territories: Trends of organized crime in Brazil

01 December 2021, 10:00 PM
Luiz Guilherme Paiva Carolina Grillo Gabriel Feltran Janaina Maldonado Ana Carolina Haliuc Bragança