Felix Morrow

Researcher, OceansAsia For the past three years, Felix has worked with OceansAsia researching illegal fishing and associated crimes and regulatory issues.

About this speaker

Felix is a sociology student studying at the University of Victoria (UVic) with an interest in how ecological and social systems interact, relate, and impact one another. His research interest centers on how corporate and state interests affects fisheries management decision-making and socioeconomic equity in fishing communities. With OceansAsia, he has studied illegal sea cucumber fishing in both the Mexican and global context, and shark cartilage health scams. Outside of OceansAsia, he has worked on transparency, sustainability, and economic issues in British Columbia’s groundfish trawler fishery. He is OceanAsia’s representative to the Non-Governmental Organization Tuna Forum.

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Behavioural issues in environmental crimes and the need for change

13 October 2022, 04:00 PM
Mark Gibson Andrey Anisimov Felix Morrow Virginia Comolli Daan van Uhm Ulhas Gondhali