Elena Butti

Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding Graduate Institute Geneva Urban anthropology, humanitarian practitioner and participatory film-maker expert on youth, gangs, and organized crime in Latin America. PhD University of Oxford (2019).

About this speaker

I am an urban anthropologist, humanitarian practitioner and participatory film-maker. I study youth, organized crime, activism, urban development, and migration in Latin America. 

I am currently a Research Fellow at the Geneva Graduate Institute and a Visiting Professor at the National University of Colombia. I hold a PhD and a Post-Doc from the University of Oxford

My first book project consists in an ethnographic exploration of adolescents’ engagement into narco-gangs in Medellín’s urban margins. I am now conducting new research on the interactions between Venezuelan migrants and organized crime in Colombia. 

Before joining the Graduate Institute, I worked for several years in the humanitarian sector. I am also the author of  ethnographic photo seriesand participatory films co-produced with young people. 

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Gangs: Insights from India, Colombia and Jamaica

31 October 2024, 1:00 PM GMT
Elena Butti Sangeeta Roy Tarik Weekes John Collins