Diana Siller

About this speaker

Diana is a Chief Executive Officer at the Environmental Justice and Human Rights organization (JADE A.C.). Her work focuses in putting into practice integrated approaches for achieving environmental and social justice claims that enable resilient communities and cities.

Her regional experience includes supporting Artisanal Small-scale Gold Mining formalization and certification processes in Colombia, Bolivia and Peru while working for the Alliance for Responsible Mining Organization. She has also been part of diverse UN projects and programs aiming at fostering environmental governance in Mexico. Diana holds an MSc. in Environment and Sustainable Development from University College London and a Master in Environmental Management from the University of Amsterdam. She constantly applies participatory and gender-sensitive methodologies for her research work. For over two years she was a research associate in the Demographics, Urban and Environmental Studies Center of El Colegio de Mexico.

During 2018 she worked closely with women who have sons or daughters disappeared out of violence of organized crime groups, and has remained their supporter since then. In collaboration with other local civil society organizations, Diana is currently carrying out an Intercultural Campaign on Central-American Refugees and Migrants in the North-east region of Mexico, where migrant smuggling, abduction, extortion and assault are on the increase. Late interests include supporting the assessment of environmental impacts linked to organized crime groups as well as analyzing environmental crimes claimed by human rights and environmental activists.


Experiencing environmental crime: An indigenous perspective

13 October 2022, 02:30 PM
Tanvi Khanna Ismael Ocen Diana Siller Siria Gastelum Leandro Janamejoy

Criminal dynamics and exploitation of communities in Chiapas and Chihuahua, Mexico

13 October 2022, 08:30 PM
Livia Wagner Diana Siller MarĂ­a Landa