Carolina Castellano
università degli studi di Napoli Federico II Professor of Contemporary History, University of Naples Federico II, Dept. of Social Sciences
About this speaker
Carolina Castellano is professor of Contemporary History at the University of Naples, Federico II; her research interests move from the political socialization in the XIXth century to the history of Italian Mafias, with special attention to the Camorre in Campania. Main publications in this latter research field: L. Brancaccio, C. Castellano (eds.), Affari di camorra. Famiglie, imprenditori e gruppi criminali), Donzelli, Roma 2015; The Fascist anti-mafia operation in Campania, 1926-’27, in Modern Italy, vol. 22, n. 4, pp. 403-417; C. Castellano, A.M. Zaccaria, Community, violence and memory. The case of Ottaviano in M. Massari, V. Martone (ed. by), Mafia Violence. Political, Symbolic and Economic Forms of Violence in the Camorra Clans, Routledge 2019; C. Castellano, Una questione di provincia. Criminalità e camorra tra età giolittiana e fascismo, Ed. Scientifica, Napoli 2021.