Camilo Tamayo Gomez
Senior Lecturer in Criminology, The University of Huddersfield (UK) Senior Lecturer in Criminology at the School of Human and Health Sciences, The University of Huddersfield (UK). Senior Adviser in Transitional Justice for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) appointed to Colombia's Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
About this speaker
Senior Lecturer in Criminology at The University of Huddersfield (UK). Senior Adviser in Transitional Justice for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), appointed to Colombia's Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Course Leader MSc in Criminology and International Security and MSc in Criminology and Evidence-Based Policing.
My current research focuses on the relationship between security, conflict, transnational and comparative criminology, global south criminology, multiplatform social justice, and transitional justice from a sociological perspective. It explores how victims of armed conflict and violent contexts are implementing citizen-led strategies to claim human rights and security in public and virtual spheres; and how these methods are affecting the construction of political and cultural memory, dimensions of social recognition, and degrees of solidarity and power in divided societies.