Alastair MacBeath

Analyst - Global Policy Team, GI-TOC Co-author of upcoming SOC-ACE paper, "Lost in Transition: Gold Mining and the Political Economy of Takhar, Afghanistan".

About this speaker

Alastair joined the GI-TOC in 2020 and is an analyst within the Global Policy Team with a particular focus on environmental crime. His recent work includes research within the Asia-Pacific region relating to the illicit economies associated with wildlife crime, as well as research at the global level relating to the challenges involved with international enforcement cooperation.

Alastair is a member of the GI-TOC’s Market Monitoring and Friction Unit (MMFU) which uses digital technology, including machine-learning enabled processes, to understand and respond to illegal online marketing of wildlife products. He holds an MA(Hons) in history from the University of Glasgow.

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Monitoring the evolution of illicit economies in Afghanistan

18 October 2023, 02:30 PM
Heather Marquette Alastair MacBeath John Collins Arian Sharifi